Wednesday, July 9, 2008


From the first frame the movie captures the mind.
It has a flow, thrill, you are always on the edge, above all the film gives a real experience.
Sometimes due to certain constraints one cannot explicitly speak what he wants to but if the person wants to say that by any means, he actually finds some miracules way to speak the same matter without those explicit words.
What touches in Aamir(the film) is the honesty with which the team has pictured what it wants to convey, the storyline is side by side;
just like real life,
everyone may not have a fascinating life story, but more than that the moments which make up the life are much more imp. to everyone.
At the most,you may not be thrilled much by the story, you may not feel excited at all, but you fall in love with the every moment picturised for sure.
haa reham, chakkar ghumiyo are awsome. how many times we see songs simply desolve in the flow of the film and at the same time sound simply great when we listen them in isolation.
Another film like mai meri patni aur woh, ek chalis ki last local, neglected by india.